They're ugly, they stick to anything they tumble into, and they have sharp needles that can stick you good when you try to remove them from your bushes, fences, etc.
Today I was out pulling tumbleweeds off my bushes and dispatching them down the driveway -- so now they are either caught on something out on the wild part of our property, or they are still tumbling across Eldorado. But I KNOW next time I go outside I will just find more of them tangled up in our shrubbery.
These pictures didn't turn out real well, but not to worry -- I can get more later!
I can SO relate to this!!! Need to clean out my garden area today and it's full of the darn things!
Yup. We've had a BUMPER crop of the danged things down this way. They got so bad out at the base that they took a length of the base's perimeter fence down.
I live in the high desert of Southern Oregon and we have these tumble weeds everywhere too. The other day I pointed one out that was blowing across the street and my husband said "That's not a tumble weed, that's a hillbilly bouquet!"
Uh, I guess that's one way to look at it! :) Although I just can't imagine one of these displayed in a vase on someone's dining table ... can you?
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