Sunday, October 10, 2010

Susana comes to Santa Fe

Yesterday was our Susana Martinez rally in Santa Fe at the GOP Victory Office.

It was one of those gorgeous fall days in northern New Mexico, and we estimated that 350 people attended the rally. The crowd was enthusiastic and it felt like a party atmosphere.

I was pleased to see how many Latinos were in the crowd, and also the number of people with “Democrats for Martinez” signs. That is a clear sign that her support reaches across ethnic and party lines. Susana spoke and spent a lot of time talking with people in the crowd, posing for pictures that voters will cherish. I had a chance to greet her and also Chuck Franco her husband, who a such a nice man.

Matthew Chandler, the Republican candidate for Attorney General spoke, as well as some local candidates and dignitaries.

Here are some of our pictures:

Getting set up:

Matthew Chandler speaking:


Matt Chandler and a colorful citizen:

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I wish I could have seen her sometime while she has been over here, but I just can't find the time. So ready for her to kick some Denish butt!! So sick of hearing the lying ads!