Monday, January 3, 2011

Martinez inauguration and reception - Orlando's photos

Our friend Orlando Baca had a better vantage point at the inauguration than we did, and he has given me permission to post some of his pictures of the event.

The first 5 pictures were taken at the inauguration ceremony on the Plaza in Santa Fe, the last 4 were taken at the public reception at the NM Museum of Fine Arts on the Plaza.


The helicopter flyover beginning the inauguration:

One of the Pueblo Indian dancers:

21 Gun Salute:

Governor Susana Martinez, carrying the Blankets of Authority, a gift from the Pueblo Indian governors, and First Gentleman Chuck Franco. Behind them is their son Carlo:

Governor Susana Martinez and her husband the First Gentleman Chuck Franco:

Our new Secretary of State Dianna Duran with a young visitor to the public reception:

Our friend Orlando with the new Lt. Governor John Sanchez and his wife Debra:

Our friends Miles & Laurie with Governor Martinez and First Gentleman Chuck Franco:

Orlando with the Governor and the First Dude:

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