These are busy days. Since my return from Texas last week, I am in the usual wild and crazy Christmas rush -- trying to get shopping done; gifts wrapped; packages ready to mail; and cards,letters, and annual Christmas letter done. Decorating the house and baking Christmas recipes will have to come after all the out of town stuff is taken care of.
My goal is to have a major rush to get everything done this coming week, so that the week of Christmas can be slower and more enjoyable and we can get out around town to enjoy the wonderful decorations and partake of the holiday spirit. Santa Fe is a great Christmas town and I don't want to miss it.
Anyway, I posted all this to say that I am going to be scarce around the blog for the next couple of weeks, but as soon as I get some good holiday pictures of Santa Fe, I will be back to post them.
I hope you are all enjoying the Christmas season as it unfolds.
(The above pictures were taken in Plano, Texas when I was there in late November.)
The Post Office is on my list for tomorrow and I'm dreading it. I saw a blurb on teevee that tomorrow is the last day for mailing stuff in order for it to arrive by Christmas. That'll teach me to procrastinate, right? Wrong. Happens every year. (sigh)
Have a Merry Christmas and a Terrifically Wonderful New Year.
We are headed out of town for the holidays, I'm gonna miss SF & Abq decorations. :-(
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