Saturday, January 10, 2009

The American Patriot's Almanac


This is the latest of Bill Bennett's excellent series of books, this one just out before Christmas.

John gave me a copy for Christmas, and it is a really wonderful book.

It is a compilation of little historical essays -- one for each day of the year. They are generally just one or two pages, and he talks about something that happened on that day, and also has a list of several other events from that date.

I have been reading each day's offering with my morning coffee--and learning a lot about American History.

I highly recommend the book!

This is his dedication:

"To the families of the American soldier, families who, for love of country, have sacrificed in countless ways."

1 comment:

Buck said...

Bennett is one of the great minds on the American political scene, IMHO. I don't agree with him on everything, but "most" is good enough.